Sunday, September 02, 2007

I can play the piano!

The piano is actually a 4-key xylophone and Samantha loves banging on those keys.

Samantha's first tooth

Actually, two teeth are erupting here. She got her first tooth early in her 8th month, then the second tooth came out soon after. We're feeding her steak tomorrow. Kidding.

Out and about in Central Park

A nice summer day in June and a perfect day to stroll the park. Here are photos of the tunnel leading to the carousel, chilling at Sheep Meadow, checking out people at The Mall, and photo op at the Bethesda Fountain. Samantha was 8 months old.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Table Manners

To save space we decided to try out this rather inexpensive yet effective portable high chair by Chicco. We take it along with us when we visit friends; it's light and it works as advertised. However, since Samantha is the Houdini that she is, she can actually squeeze out of the safety belts if she gets bored - or full during a meal.

Summer stroll

Here's Karen and Samantha checking out the fresh produce at our favorite grocery store just 2 blocks away - the Food Emporium BridgeMarket. This is an amazing grocer since it is literally built under the Queensboro Bridge; the architecture is both historic (original columns and ultra high ceilings with mosaic tiles) and modern.

Right beside the BridgeMarket is my favorite modern furniture store, Conran Shop - the New York branch of Sir Terence Conran's design empire.

Samantha was 7 months.

Hanging out at the park with the Dugans

A nice summer day with Ninang Tricia and Uncle Mike Dugan.

A day at the MET

We decided to bring Samantha on her first visit to a museum and we chose the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art since it recently opened its amazing new Greek and Roman Exhibit.

This new Greek and Roman exhibit is housed in a newly renovated wing and the pieces have not been made public for decades. It's absolutely amazing. One of the pieces, a 6th century Etruscan chariot, is not only a delight but is actually controversial. It was unearthed originally from a small town called Monteleone in Umbria and the citizens of that town is laying claim on this relic.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Back in New York: The jetlagged days

Samantha was jetlagged for 12 days when we got back to New York, so Karen and I felt like zombies. We got her this Baby Einstein Activity Center to keep her busy while Karen does some chores during the day. Unfortunately, it takes her 10 minutes - tops - before she gets bored with it and starts eating the toys!

Samantha eats solid foods for the first time

Here is Samantha at 6 months old eating rice porridge. She loves eating and we have no problem feeding her; she got her appetite from her mom :) Here's some guidelines from NYU.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


There's grandma feeding her corn. Hmmm...not sure if she's supposed to be eating corn-on-the-cob at her age. But it sure is great for itchy gums!

Samantha learns to pull up to stand

Samantha is 5 1/2 months. This kid's a bit advanced in her gross motor development (check milestones here)!

Manila Trip 2007 Series: Samantha's first beach trip (at Tali)

Samantha drank sea water and ate sand and she's all good! Thanks for the great weekend Tita Jenny and Tito Jojo!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Manila Trip 2007 Series: In the pool with grandparents and Karen

Samantha's a water baby! She knows how to swim and was in the pool almost everyday.