Saturday, June 16, 2007

Back in New York: The jetlagged days

Samantha was jetlagged for 12 days when we got back to New York, so Karen and I felt like zombies. We got her this Baby Einstein Activity Center to keep her busy while Karen does some chores during the day. Unfortunately, it takes her 10 minutes - tops - before she gets bored with it and starts eating the toys!

Samantha eats solid foods for the first time

Here is Samantha at 6 months old eating rice porridge. She loves eating and we have no problem feeding her; she got her appetite from her mom :) Here's some guidelines from NYU.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


There's grandma feeding her corn. Hmmm...not sure if she's supposed to be eating corn-on-the-cob at her age. But it sure is great for itchy gums!

Samantha learns to pull up to stand

Samantha is 5 1/2 months. This kid's a bit advanced in her gross motor development (check milestones here)!

Manila Trip 2007 Series: Samantha's first beach trip (at Tali)

Samantha drank sea water and ate sand and she's all good! Thanks for the great weekend Tita Jenny and Tito Jojo!

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Manila Trip 2007 Series: In the pool with grandparents and Karen

Samantha's a water baby! She knows how to swim and was in the pool almost everyday.

Manila Trip 2007 Series: Samantha sits unsupported for the first time

Samantha at 5 months.

Manila Trip 2007 Series: Samantha crawls for the first time

Samantha at 5 1/2 months. You can see the determination in her face.

Friday, June 08, 2007

Laugh Time!

Samantha at 4 1/2 months. Taken in Manila.