Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Baby at 26 weeks (July 2006)

OK, so this blogging thing is a bit late; I've been busy, what can I say? However, with the birth of my first child last week and the popular demand for photo updates and what not, I think blogging would be the best way to update my dear family and friends. I will have to catch up with months of photos of Karen's pregnancy, so while the posting dates are recent, the actual blogs may be about special events months ago (I'll date the blogs as accurately as possible).

JULY, 2006 - Here is one of Kristen's earliest photos -- an ultrasound at 26 weeks gestation. It was taken at New York Presbyterian Hospital-Weill Cornell Medical Center, just 7 blocks from our apartment (gotta love the convenience).

Most people don't even think Karen looks pregnant but Kristen is definitely in there. The baby moves a lot and the sonographer says that everything looks fine. We saw the heart beating! Good stuff.

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